Discover here all public informations about the CYBNITY program which target to deliver an Open Source Security Platform efficient and flexible for each company with need to design its Information Security Management System (ISMS) and/or to operate IoT systems in a secure way against the cyberthreats.
“Let’s Make Safe Digital World! CYBNITY help you to govern the cyber defense of your digital assets for operate them with complete serenity.”
We’re developing an open source technological platform that help the security teams to design and govern easily their company’s cybersecurity program, allowing them to create resilient digital systems against to cyber-threats.
The CYBNITY platform makes it possible to design the strategic governance of the digital assets cybersecurity, and to pilot tactical operational protection systems guaranteeing the neutralization of security incidents.
CYBNITY Cockpits UX/UI principles prototyping is in progress to validate the dynamic cockpits approach via a demonstrator.
Please contact [email protected] to join the experimentation.
CTO en temps partiel pour DSI avec plateformes digitales
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CYBNITY develop a European partners ecosystem with a win-win approach, motivated to unify the strengths and expertises of a lot of security actors to the companies service.
We build a technological platform allowing large and small companies to build their Information Security Management System (ISMS) according standards and frameworks of cyber-security like NIST or ISO27001.
BAI02.01 Architecture Requirements
APO03.01 Architecture principles
APO02.03 Solutions Capability Model
CYBNITY Applications’ Functional Perimeter
CYBNITY System Of Operational Cockpits
CYBNITY Development Methodology
CYBNITY Software Development Requirements Catalog
CYBNITY Applications (Bounded Context)